Dubbe Moulder Architects

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Welcome to our new architect intern!

  • What inspired you to want to be an architect?

当我还是个孩子的时候,是我父亲激励我成为一名建筑师. I knew I wanted to be like him when I was about five years old. From a very young age, 看着他的工作,我清楚地知道,这是我以后会感兴趣的职业. 我喜欢越过他的肩膀看他在他的起草板上做什么. I spent a lot of time at DMA as a kid, even on the weekends. 我甚至不认为这是一份工作,因为它看起来不像工作,更像是一种爱好, something fun to do, 意识到他是一个专业人士,每天都拿着钱画画,很有创意,这让我很受鼓舞. It's something I really like about this profession. 此外,小时候玩林肯积木(Lincoln Logs)、K 'Nex和乐高积木(Lego)也激发了我的创造力.

  • Where did you get your Master's?

At Kansas State University, the same university as my father. They offer a Master’s as a five-year program.

  • Was the education you received up to your expectations?

在某种程度上:学校为我在建筑的创造性和概念性方面做了准备, 但它并没有让我为这个职业的技术和商业方面做好准备.

  • When do you envision getting your license?

Hopefully in September of next year. I am currently studying for my fourth exam of six.

  • Would you want to have your own firm in the future?

I’m thinking about that more now, as opposed to when I was employed in the last firm, because I’m getting closer to being licensed and, while working with my father here, 我可以学到很多关于我想要创建的业务和建筑类型的知识. 我希望这段经历能让我为拥有自己的公司做准备. 但我知道,一旦我获得执照,我可以选择很多不同的方向.

  • What software do you like using?

I like to use SketchUp the most because it is the least restrictive. 它允许我以一种有趣的方式推拉表面,就像粘土一样.

  • Where were you employed after receiving your Master's?

我在堪萨斯城的一家商业建筑公司工作了两年多 BRR Architecture ; they are the second largest architecture firm in Kansas City and they cover a large range of projects in the commercial industry ranging from shopping outlets and centers, grocery stores, hotels, offices, and movie theaters.

  • What type of work were you doing?

When I first got started there, 我花了大约一年半的时间在全国范围内参与沃尔玛的改造. I then switched departments, 当时我正在为AMC电影院的一个新建筑项目工作. 我还参与了纽约市一家七层电影院的装修项目, which was the most interesting.

  • Why did you leave that firm and come to DMA?

我参与的一些商业项目缺乏创造力. Also, 在一家小公司工作,我应该有更多的机会接触到设计的各个阶段, from schematic design, to construction administration, and everything in between. DMA提供的工作也更加定制化,需要更多的设计. 此外,我将接触到更多的客户互动和项目多样性,并承担更多的责任.

  • 到目前为止,在DMA工作与你以前的工作有什么不同?

What I was involved with in the previous firm was prototypical, 所以我更像是一个起草人员而不是设计师,这可能会让人觉得有点重复. It was interesting from a construction documents standpoint, 因为我能够自己快速高效地完成投标套图纸. I also did some project managing, which was useful. Overall, it was a good experience, 但最后,我并没有在很短的时间内学到很多东西.

  • Which skills do you think you will be developing with DMA?

Skills in regard to communicating with clients, 弄清楚他们的最终目标是什么,并为他们的问题提供解决方案. Also skills involving design, from the programmatic phase to the time the drawings go out to bid; basically the whole design process, and that includes hand-drafting. 有些人可能会认为我疯了,因为我是千禧一代,仍然认为手绘是一项重要的技能. 有些人可能会认为这是一种老派的技术,但我认为保留建筑的艺术本质很重要, and I definitely want to improve this skill, 尤其是我的父亲在这方面已经证明是成功的,并且愿意教我.

  • What and who inspires you in architecture?

Going from an idea on paper to a physical form is very inspiring, 特别是当最终结果对人类和环境产生如此大的影响时. As far as architects, I find Frank Lloyd Wright very inspiring, 因为他是一个完美主义者,他的工作是如此的整洁有序. 虽然我仍然受到他的启发,但我也从其他更现代的建筑师身上找到了灵感,比如 Renzo Piano, an architect who grew up with a father who was a contractor. 他很有创新精神,在探索新技术和寻找新方法方面做得很好,用不同的材料将建筑构造结合在一起. He bridges the gap between architects, contractors and engineers. 了解所有的建筑专业是现代建筑师应该做的事情. 建筑师是文艺复兴时期的人,他们的知识应该涵盖许多领域.

  • 到目前为止,在DMA工作的经历是什么,与你小时候来这里的经历相比?

认识这家公司已经很长时间了,我觉得被父母都雇用很舒服. 我也是和工作人员一起长大的所以我认识科特很长时间了, and Ben for ten years now. Everybody's very friendly, and I enjoy the small office culture. It's a unique opportunity for me to learn directly from the principal of an architecture firm; it was not possible in the previous firm, 在你和校长谈话之前,你要见很多人, 在大公司里,通常情况下,委托人并不会设计很多工作.

So it's amazing to work close to my father, as he has so much experience and so much to teach me, and I have so much to learn. 师徒关系将对我的教育非常有益, and future as an architect.

  • Is there a type of architecture that you prefer?

I find the prairie style interesting. It originated in Kansas, based off the wide open spaces, and I like its low profile and horizontality. Of course I'm also biased because I like the modern rustic style that my father uses every day ; after all he's the reason that I got into architecture and I've always loved seeing what has come out of this office. That's why I'm here, 因为我想设计我的Dubbe Moulder建筑事务所在过去三十年里一直在创造的项目类型.

  • What do you love to do on your free time?

我喜欢有创意,喜欢建造东西,比如我最近设计的一张咖啡桌. 我也做运动:垒球和沙滩排球是目前主要的运动. Golf, camping and fishing are other fun activities during my time off. I basically like being outside, it clears my head.